Product Shoot - The Final 10

Here's the final 10 images. Firstly they are presented as a slide show - with a rather nostalgic TV 'skin'. This would be backed up with the theme tune to Match of The Day c1977. This enhances the nostalgic feel (remember the purpose of the images is to support marketing / promotion of the Toy Museum at Barton Marina).

This slide show will be embedded in to a dedicated web page to enable the audio visual presentation to have full impact.

The most likely use for these images is on the client's web site (Link) and within a promotional leaflet/flyer, so the size here will give a reasonable feel for how they would look (similar size/scale). Printing them to glossy paper - consistent with leaflets would also help the client to evaluate which images he prefers (he is a he - he is Steve). 

Other options include a book, posters and a prmotional 'pull up' stand. The client is considering the latter, however, it's cost prohibitive in terms meeting the C&G criteria, as is the book. The posters are a possibility but would require some additional information from the Museum and agreement on fonts etc. - not achievable in the remaining time scales.

Finally they could be presented as mounted or printed images. As they will not be used by the client in this format I believe that presenting them in a close a format to their final use is the best option.

They now follow as a straightforward set of images - no particular order simply provided for ease of assessment.

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